Latest COVID-19 News
COVID-19 Update: During these trying times our most important concern is our members and staff whether it be police officers that patrol the street or custodians that are cleaning schools. We want to continue to be a strong, unified labor force.
We are attempting to stay open as much as possible to meet members' needs however we will only be accepting in-person visits by appointment, this includes the health and welfare office. We are always available on our cell phones or via email.
We are attempting to stay open as much as possible to meet members' needs however we will only be accepting in-person visits by appointment, this includes the health and welfare office. We are always available on our cell phones or via email.
- Below are two COVID-19 fact sheets from the IBT Safety & Health Department, covering corrections and first responders. You can follow updates to these fact sheets, as well as find other fact sheets on in the Factsheets section. These are also available in our Member Power Toolkit in the COVID-19 section at If the Public Services Division can be of any service for your local and members during this time, please let us know.
- Coronavirus - Correctional Facilities
Coronavirus - First Responders - Below is information on the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits program (PSOB) as it extends to COVID-19. The PSOB program provides death and education benefits to survivors of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders, and disability benefits to officers catastrophically injured in the line of duty. Though we in the Public Services Division hope that no Teamster family will ever have to use this service, we did want to extend this information to locals. Read more
PSOB Program and COVID-19
- APRIL MONTHLY MEETING CANCELLED TO ALL MEMBERS OF TEAMSTERS LOCAL 205 - Due to the Governors mandate the Regular Monthly Meeting for the month of April is CANCELLED. If you have any questions, please call the Union Office.
- James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship - Due to the National Emergency, the deadline for applying for the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Program this year has been extended to April 14, 2020. Click here to learn more about the Scholarship Program.
- Here are important web addresses to visit if you are experiencing any issues or concerns with employment
- The United Way has forwarded two handouts to review and share with your members. Please see attached files that include “When the Paychecks Stop” and Union Plus Benefits. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Blatnick at (412) 456-6850 or email [email protected]